This Month's T-Shirt

Traffic Pizza

Inspired by unhinged nonsense squeezed hot out of the ass of Mallory's Facebook page. This design pays homage to the intrusive thoughts experienced watching traffic pass while sitting idly in a rent-a-cop shack and questioning ones true purpose in life.

This masterpiece is available in cute femme or dumpy masc t-shirt style.

PICK YOUR STYLE! Cute Femme or Dumpy Masc.


Each T-Shirt design is ONLY availble for 30 days after that... It's discarded like an unwanted banana peel. (never available again) So you might want to get one NOW.

Heather and Mallory. The Tee Girls.

We make stupid T-Shirts, one of us is a magician one of us is a gunsmith. We both dislike pineapples but enjoy eating pizza in the Jacuzzi at a cheap motel.